“Bridging the gap
between the visually impaired
and the sighted”

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[Sustainable development GOALS 1~17]
1. Eliminate Poverty / 
2. Erase Hunger / 
3. Establish Good Health and Well-Being / 
4. Provide Quality Education / 
5. Enforce Gender Equality / 
6. Improve Clean Water and Sanitation / 
7. Grow Affordable and Clean Energy / 
8. Create Decent Work and Economic Growth / 
9. Increase Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure / 
10. Reduce Inequality / 
11. Mobilize Sustainable Cities and Communities / 
12. Influence Responsible Consumption and Production / 
13. Organize Climate Action / 
14. Develop Life Below Water / 
15. Advance Life On Land / 
16. Guarantee Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions / 
17. Build Partnerships for the Goals /


Make a world where anyone can access to any
information at anytime and from anywhere

In pursuit of SDGs

[VISION] scene of many people holding hands


MoreDream Inc. aims to enhance accessibility to
information, education and healthcare services of
vulnerable social group.

Our innovative keyboard changes the way

visually impaired interact with mobile devices

and allows them to easily integrate and cope with the new technology age.